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Principle Investigator

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Sunil Mundra

I completed Ph.D. (2015) from the University of Oslo (UiO, Norway) while working at University Center in Svalbard (UNIS, Norway). During Ph.D. I was investigating High-Arctic fungal ecology through space and time using high-throughput sequencing and worked with supervisor Dr. Pernille B. Eidesen (UNIS), co-supervisors Prof. Håvard Kauserud and Prof. Rune Halvorsen. 

               I seek to understand how human-accelerated environmental change affects key functions of ecosystems. My research quantifies above- and below-ground interactions of different biomes with their abiotic and biotic environment in the face of global climate change. Of particular interest is how belowground carbon (C) allocation influences nutrient transformations, and the degree to which such processes feedback to global change through their effects on ecosystem carbon storage and nutrient retention. Most belowground processes are poorly understood owing to the complexity of plant-soil-microbial interactions and challenges of quantifying spatially and temporally heterogeneous processes. I have been integrating field observations with novel multi-omics techniques to address questions that intersect plant and soil microbial ecology, with a major focus on mycorrhizal symbiosis, in an ecosystem context.

          Further, I am developing more interest in studying how extensively use of antibiotics and chemicals such as pesticides, fungicide is linked with the emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in different environmental settings including wastewater, soil and oasis agroecosystem.



Dr. Dinesh Chetti

Dinesh is investigating the microbiome and functionality of both natural (mangrove, desert and Arctic tundra) and engineered ecosystems (anerobic biodigester). His research questions are related to irrigation (saline vs non-saline water) and compartmental effect (root-soil-leaf) on microbial communities of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) rhizosphere. His past research work focussed on linking diversity-function in mangroves; sludge microbiome and biological ammonia removal from urine wastewater; and microbial ecology and biogeochemistry of lake, tundra and fjord ecosystems of Arctic.


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Suba Chandran

Subha received Master’s degree in Biotechnology from the Kerala University (India), and joined the MEEG lab in fall 2020.

She is investigating the impact of saline water irrigation on the fungal community associated with date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) in the agroecosystem of UAE using amplicon sequencing. Further, she is evaluating salinity stress-induced functional responses of microbiome communities using meta-transcriptomics.


Shahana Sehar Malik

Shahana received Master’s degree in Bioinformatics from Quaid I Azam University (Pakistan) and joined the MEEG lab in fall 2020.
She is examining sewage wastewater microbiome and associated emergence of Anti-Microbial resistance (AMR) genes using metagenomic approaches. She is comparing different wastewater sources within Abu-Dhabi to provide a comprehensive characterization of the proliferated AMR genes from different origins.

Research Assistant and Master students


Mahideeen Afridi

He received a master’s degree in Bioinformatics from Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad Pakistan and join the MEEG lab in Fall 2022. Currently, He is working as Research Assistant in the lab working on different projects related to hypersaline soils and mangrove microbiota and their role in ecosystem functioning. 

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Showq Hijawi Abdelaziz

She completed her bachelor's degree in Medical Analysis from Jordan University and joined the MEEG lab Spring 2022.

In her project she is screening multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacteria from sewage wastewater and further characterising isolates using Whole genome Sequencing..

Lab Alumni

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Fardous Alhasmi

She completed her bachelor's degree in Environmental Science and Sustainability from Zayed University (Abu Dhabi) and joined the MEEG lab Fall 2020.

She is assessing the impact of saline water irrigations on Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) associated rhizospheric soil bacterial community composition.

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